Onehunga Wharf Masterplan Review For Mana Whenua

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Project Details

Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau, Eke Panuku
Onehunga, Auckland
Wraights and Associates, Matakohe Architecture & Urbanism, Tataki Limited

Review of the Onehunga Wharf masterplan for mana whenua, as technical advisors

Eke Panuku led the development of a masterplan for the Onehunga Wharf redevelopment, and wanted meaningful input from Auckland mana whenua forum early in the process. 

Eke Panuku provided mana whenua the opportunity to review the draft masterplan in line with their aspirations, values and obligations. The Urban Advisory was appointed as one of the technical advisors to support Mana Whenua in this process. Mana whenua aspirations for the project were numerous, with a principal focus on the Manukau Harbour and it’s health and life-sustaining capacity or mauri, as expressed in Take Mauri Take Hono (outcomes framework). Part of the work required a process to be developed to prioritise the 35 initiatives of the plan, according to the outcomes framework. 

 Our role was to support mana whenua with expert advice on equitable and affordable housing, through the review of the draft masterplan. Their outcomes and objectives frameworks, Take Mauri Take Hono and Hoaketanga, guided the review process. This process was collaborative, working closely with three other advisors and technical experts appointed by mana whenua (environment, landscape & public realm, architecture and urban design) to form integrated advice for mana whenua about the draft masterplan. We met regularly with the mana whenua forum to discuss their framework Take Mauri Take Hono, how it could be applied to the masterplan review and inform our advice, and opportunities to strengthen the framework. The advisors group also kept in contact with Eke Panuku staff to keep them in the loop on progress and any questions from caucus with mana whenua.
