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New Zealand's Housing Survey

In between juggling a growing business and growing families, Dr Natalie Allen and Greer O'Donnell, and the whole The Urban Advisory team, have been putting in hard mahi to launch something pretty special, New Zealand’s Housing Survey!

New Zealand’s Housing Survey is the culmination of many years of work in the housing sector; researching housing, developing housing strategies and housing needs assessments, and working with different groups to deliver housing that meets their unique needs. We're stoked to be able to share what we've learned! 

Through this unique housing survey we will be able to help to build awareness around how people live, want to live and what barriers are in the way to achieving their housing aspirations, plugging a critical gap in the information that is needed for meaningful decision making. New Zealand’s Housing Survey results will provide the evidence and community intelligence that's been missing about the kind of housing people want and need and how this is different from what is currently available to them. 

We hope that the data from New Zealand’s Housing Survey will provide iwi Māori, government organisations, Councils, and developers with the information needed to make informed decision making about housing across New Zealand. 

The survey is independent and will remain open (in other words it is a longitudinal study) meaning we can understand trends over time. We plan to release a high level report of 2024’s findings early next year with plenty of sneak-peak insights shared along the way!

Have your say! Jump online and take New Zealand’s Housing Survey here.
