Cambridge Cohousing Feasibility

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Project Details

Cambridge Cohousing
Property & Development

Feasibility study for the delivery of cohousing in the Cambridge area. 

Cambridge cohousing required support to develop a feasibility study to assess the viability of their project.

TUA worked with the group to confirm the barriers to progressing the project, including land identification and lack of certainty about how the project would be funded and delivered and identify options for progressing the project. A publically available case study for other groups to access, and learn from was developed, so that the group could still contribute to the co-housing agenda, even though their project did not progress. 

TUA worked with the group on and off from their inception, helping the group to define what they wanted to achieve from the project. When reviewing the information and looking at the planning constraints of the area, two options were presented in the feasibility study; a semi-rural and urban development pathway. Different tenure arrangements and pathways for delivery were also explored, alongside how risk would be shared for each option. The report also captured the lessons learned from the previous two years working as a group to get a cohousing project started.
