Project Details
The Challenge
To support quality urban design outcomes for this landmark development site. Kāinga Maha was the successful tenderer in a competitive process to redevelop this underutilised Council-owned site in central New Brighton, Ōtautahi Christchurch.
The Solution
TUA completed wider context and site analysis, considering natural, planning, and infrastructure constraints to support our design advice. Working with the design team, we developed and refined the site concept, including attending the urban design panel, to ensure quality urban design outcomes and ultimately successful resource consent to enable this development.
The Journey
This project occurred during a period of change and uncertainty in the local regulatory environment with MDRS and NPS-UD requirements. We creatively and pragmatically navigated this complexity to achieve a balance of the best yield and design outcomes for the site and other key development outcomes for the client and future residents.
Image credit: Kāinga Maha